Why Prysmian

Visão Geral

Cada pessoa tem o potencial de deixar sua marca.

Porque faça o que fizer, onde quer que esteja, você fará parte de uma empresa que está colaborando para transformar o mundo ao nosso redor.
Nosso trabalho é um elemento essencial. E é por isso que precisamos de pessoas que pensem diferente, que possam resolver problemas, que sejam resilientes e nunca desistam, seja qual for o desafio.
É por isso que apoiamos cada pessoa em seu desenvolvimento. É por isso que estamos comprometidos com uma força de trabalho diversificada, com quem compartilhamos ideias que trazem diferentes perspectivas. É isso que nos tornou líderes de mercado e nos inspira a inovar continuamente e, assim, trilhar um caminho para nos mantermos à frente: é o que nos une.


Discover what Prysmian Group is made of

Values have always been the focus in Prysmian Group, crucial steps to define our company's DNA.We aim to lead the industry evolution, combining our ability to develop people and business, in a clear direction while anticipating customer needs. Integration journey to combine different cultural backgrounds it's an outstanding work "made of people" paving the path of inclusion and valuing Diversity.


Industry excellence through our excellence

We embrace the responsibility of leadership. Providing our people with a clear vision and demonstrating the role they play in delivering it is important. It’s why our Leadership teams take the time to listen, to share their learnings and experiences, helping people across our business grow and develop.

Our leaders are driven by our values. And our leadership model is based on six leadership principles that aim to guide the behaviors of our employees to continue succeeding.


Diversity & Inclusion

As a Group with a global footprint, we take our responsibility to create an inclusive environment seriously. We have a culture of sharing, collaboration, openness and transparency which means we embrace diversity, and we consistently monitor our progression.

Each of our people has a unique skillset, perspective and capability that they bring to the business. We encourage our people make their mark on Prysmian Group by recognising the essential part that they play both in the business and for the world.